Official National Institute report : Russians increasingly mixed up in war crimes

Robert Lansing Institute – January 13th, 2022

Mysterious Russian are more and more involved in killlings and war crimes.
Using light weapons hand guns and up to the armored vehicle, paratroopers killed in Almaty the 06th of January. They have been charged of war crimes in 2014-2015 during the Russian unofficial assault in Ukraine.
Armored units were moving from Russia to Kazakhstan, making the balance…. Shooting at civilians.
Some FSB officers gave these “special units” blue equipment, making them look like UN soldiers.

In Central African Republic, 20 dead were found, closely to the town of Mambéré-Kadéï. The mercenary group WAGNER is supposed to have conduct this atrocity. Part of the “lost people”, a mysterious gold trader is still searched by his parents. This genocide has been committed with the complicity of the local junta.
The actual president, Faustin-Archange Touadéra, is in business with de Wagner PMC in order to exploit as much natural resources possible, even if he has to harass his people. We are talking bout gold, diamonds, uranium…
Every day, they kill anybody that cross their interests. It may happen in the village close to the mine or even at Bangui. They are using the force to drive youth into slavery at their profit in the mine,
They killed again the January 6th in Bambari, wounding 10 people, killing two more….
The UN has proofs and reports detailed. UN ask for month the junta to end their partnership with this criminal organization But Russia freeze all actions….